The incredibly sexy game box.

The main deck and the crown card.

A perfectly normal hand holding some game cards.

The incredibly sexy game box.
STAB YOUR FRIENDS is our first published game. It is a card game about using various dungeon style weapons and items to stay alive longer than your friends, potentially by stabbing them.
Featuring fast paced attack and defend style gameplay this game incorporates the unique twist of a face up draw pile to add strategic complexity.
The game was originally called "Super Parry" and only had 7 card variants. It was later updated to "Super Parry Advanced" and incorporated a Super Parry card that would reflect all damage for a turn. Finally the name was changed and the rules were tweaked for optimal fun to create STAB YOUR FRIENDS.
Setup + Initial Round
Determine Royal Highness: Players must decide who among them is the most fearsome. That player is awarded the crown card for the first round and becomes the royal highness. The royal highness will always draw and play cards first in each phase of the game. Players who do not address the royal highness properly may be called out by them or any other player, causing the culprit to lose a life.
Drawing Phase: Starting with the royal highness and rotating clockwise, all players draw four cards face up so that other players can see what has been drawn. Players may conceal their cards once everyone has drawn.
Playing Phase:
Starting with the royal highness and rotating clockwise, players play one card from their hand face down in front of themselves or another player. This repeats once. (At this point, all players should have played two cards and should still have two cards in their hand).
All played cards are simultaneously flipped face up and their effects are recorded in order of priority. Card priority is determined by the red number underneath the card’s name. The effects of the card with the lowest number will take place first, with subsequent cards activating in ascending order.
If multiple cards of the same type are played in a round, the card effects for duplicates will take place in player order (starting with the royal highness and continuing clockwise). Duplicates played on a single player may activate in any order, just not at the same time.
Cards are discarded after their effects have been recorded.
Subsequent Rounds
Passing The Crown: At the start of every new round, the royal highness must pass the crown card to the player on their left. That player becomes the new royal highness once the card has been given to them.
Drawing Phase: Starting with the new royal highness and rotating clockwise, all players draw back up to a hand of four cards. Only newly drawn cards must be face up. Players may conceal their cards once everyone has drawn.
Playing Phase:​ Play functions as in the initial round, with all players playing two cycles of one card face down.
Player Elimination + Winning
Player Elimination: As soon as a player loses their last life, they are immediately out of the game. This elimination occurs instantly, even if a card effect such as a Love Potion would have healed them later in the round. Once a player's life count reaches zero, they can no longer participate in any further actions, card plays, or effects.
Winning: The game continues until only one player remains. As soon as there is only one player left standing, that player is declared the winner. This victory is immediate, even if the remaining player was about to lose their last life due to a card effect. The game ends the moment all other players have been eliminated.
Card Effects
Card Effects: Cards placed in front of players during the play phase have various effects described by the gray text underneath the priority number. When recording card effects, the gray text will always address the target of that card (the player the card is in front of). The functions of the cards are as follows:
Golden Left Potion: Rotates all cards left.
This card causes all played/active cards to move from their current target to the player on that player’s left. The new target becomes the player to the left. Once all applicable cards have been moved, this card is discarded.
Left Potion: Rotates nearby cards left.
This card moves all cards that have been played on the same target as this card to the player on that player’s left. The new target becomes the player to the left. Once all applicable cards have been moved, this card is discarded.
Goblin Hands: Move a card.
This card allows its target to move one played/active card from any player to any other player (including themselves). The only type of card that cannot be moved is another Goblin Hands card. The target of this card must move a card to a new target as long as a move is available.
Shield: Block once.
This card prevents its target from receiving one source of damage this round. The shield can block all damage types except from battle axes or damage invoked by improperly addressing the royal highness. The shield is discarded as soon as it prevents damage or at the end of the round if it prevents no damage.
Battle Axe: Get slashed twice if you have a shield.
This card deals two damage if its target has an active shield. If this card successfully deals damage, discard it alongside the shield it has broken. If the target does not have an active shield, the card does nothing and is discarded upon its activation.
Bow: Shoot someone.
This card allows the target to choose another player to deal one damage to. The target must choose someone to shoot. The bow is discarded after it has been used.
Fireball: Fireball someone and get burned.
This card deals one damage to its target and then allows them to choose another player to deal one damage to. If the fireball causes its target to lose their last life, they may not choose someone to fireball. Otherwise, the target must choose someone to fireball. The fireball is discarded after it has been used.
Dagger: Get stabbed.
This card deals one damage to its target. The dagger is discarded as soon as the damage has been dealt or blocked.
Bomb: Explodes next turn.
Upon first activation, turn this card sideways to signify it is primed. It stays on the table face up until the next activation phase, when it will deal one damage to its target. Primed bombs can be moved or rotated and will deal damage to their current target upon activation. The bomb is discarded after dealing or blocking damage.
Love Potion: Heal one life.
This card causes its target to regain one life. Players may not go beyond five lives; a love potion activated on a full health player will have no effect. The love potion is discarded after use or if it has no effect.
Snake: Play no cards next turn.
Upon activation, the target becomes snakebit and will not play any cards in the subsequent play phase. Turn this card sideways to signify its effect. The snake is discarded once the snakebit player has been prevented from playing.
Crystal: Show what you play next turn.
Upon activation, the target becomes entranced and will play cards face up in the subsequent play phase. Turn this card sideways to signify its effect. The crystal is discarded once the entranced player has played both of their cards face up.
Drink: Nothing.
Upon activation, this card is discarded.
Additional Questions
If you have any additional questions, email or make up some house rules.